Morey’s Mental Health Support Team
How Does a Student See a Member of the Mental Health team?
- Self-referral – students may complete this form:
- Parent referral
- Administrative, Teacher or other staff referral
- Referral by friend(s)
The mental health team can support Students:
- Academic and career planning
- Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP)
- Provide information for a variety of social, emotional, career and academic needs
- Crisis intervention and prevention
- Teach a variety of skills individually and in groups
- Establish and maintain cooperative relationships
The mental health team can support Parents:
- Provide information for a variety of social, emotional, career and academic needs
- Support in child’s academic and career planning
- Better understand the social and psychological aspects of child development
- Work with the school to plan their child’s education
- Learn more about school programs
- Become aware of community resources available to them and their children
Confidentiality is of the utmost importance to us. We believe that each student and their families deserve to be treated with the deepest respect and discretion. We will guard your privacy as much as permitted by law. Team members are mandatory reporters. Reasons confidentiality will be broken are when there is the potential for danger to self, danger to others or danger from others. If you have any questions regarding confidentiality, please feel free to contact a team member.
More information can be found here
What is an Individualized Career and Academic Plan?
ICAP is a multi-year process that intentionally guides students and families in the exploration of career, academic and postsecondary opportunities. With the support of adults, students develop the awareness, knowledge, attitudes and skills to create their own meaningful and PoWeRful (PwR or Post-Secondary and Workforce Ready) pathways to be career and college ready.