At Morey, the Collaborative School Committee (CSC) and the School Leaderhip Team (SLT) is combined into a Collaborative School Leadership TEam (CSLT). Morey is an innovation school and one of our waivers is to combine the SLT and CSC into one body, mainly for efficiency.

  • Each Denver public school has such a team with representation from parents, community, faculty, administrators and classified staff. The purpose and scope of the CSLT is to enhance student achievement and school climate by engaging the community in collaborative efforts to support the school and district goals.

Morey is proud to have the following members to our CSLT:

The Collaborative School Leadership Team is the school’s governing committee. 

Your CSLT members this year are:

Staff members: Robyn Burrows, Christina Fernando, Daniel Landen & Matthew Lunger

Parent Representatives: Claudia Bieschke, Nancy Caeson, Dana Trujillo-Davis & Lawrence Williams

Morey CSLT Meeting Minutes 23/24: