Please join us Thursday, January 30th from 5:30-6:30 for our Virtual Open House for Hg/T students and their families.
Meeting link:
At Morey, we build on every child’s unique gifts so each person becomes a self-directed, socially conscious, educated member of our diverse community, both inside and outside of the classroom.
Please join us Thursday, January 30th from 5:30-6:30 for our Virtual Open House for Hg/T students and their families.
Meeting link:
We are thrilled to announce the date for our Open House.
Please join us Thursday, December 12, 2024 from 5:00-6:30pm.
Hello Prospective Morey families,
Thank you for your patience. Tour Information is now available. Please visit the “Prospective Families” page. We look forward to hosting you and your student soon!
August 1, 2024
Dear Morey Families:
Here we are! It is August 1st and I am so happy to be reconnecting with our community. I hope that your family has been having a great summer and that you are looking forward to what lies ahead. Below is updated information regarding the start of our 24-25 school year at Morey.
Registration: Just like last year, you can do all of your registering online, including verifying student information, paying school fees, etc. All families must complete the Annual Family Update to officially register and begin school at Morey. You can do this by following these directions:
1. Log in (using Chrome or Firefox) to your Parent Portal Account:
2. Enter your Parent Portal username and password and click Sign In
3. The user will then see a Welcome Message and should be able to complete the process
Make sure to use a computer, not the app on your cell phone.
This Navigation Guide is a helpful tool: Annual Family Update Family Navigation Guide
In order to help us process your application and create student schedules, please have your Annual Family Update done as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, August 16th.
If you need any assistance with the online registration and verification, you can call the main office at 720-424-0700. Staff is available to help you in person at Morey with the Annual Family Update the following dates and times:
In-person help: Thursday, August 8th from 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
In-person help: Friday, August 9th from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
School fees are paid through MySchoolBucks and Ms. Leah will invoice all families in August. Registration fees ($95) support a student’s core content and electives/enrichments materials as well as some of our Discovery Week activities. If you have any questions about how to pay for fees using MySchoolBucks or need to request a waiver or set up a payment plan, please contact Ms. Leah at
Submit your “You Benefit!” Form (the Free or Reduced Fees/Lunch application): Every single family needs to go to and fill out an online application form for Free & Reduced services, regardless of your income eligibility. By completing the form, you will help us access all available funds to cover the cost of meals, and other nutritional programs for students. Families who fill out the You Benefit! form may qualify to receive discounted school fees, class materials, bus passes, utilities support and more. You’ll need to know your child’s 6-digit DPS ID number to complete the application. Once the application is completed, make sure to save the email for future reference. If you feel your family doesn’t qualify, we ask for families to log in and OPT OUT of the form. If you need any help with the application, please contact Ms. Leah in the Main Office or Ms. Maddy, Kitchen Manager,
First days:
6th grade and any NEW-to-Morey 7th/8th graders – Monday, August 19th
Returning 7th and 8th graders– Tuesday, August 20th (6th graders come, too–ALL students attend)
School hours are 8:50 am – 3:50 pm.
Students will meet up on the blacktop the first days, pick up a brand new schedule, find their Success Seminar teacher and line up with the class before going into the building.
Being a school that focuses on students first, we intentionally prioritize the first few weeks of school on building a strong culture through relationship building and the teaching of school systems. There will be some introduction to content, but we will purposefully spend time on culture building.
Schedules: We will have a student class schedule printed to give to families at the Back-to-School BBQ on Thursday, August 15th. You will also be able to look at your child’s schedule in Portal on August 15th.
Note: though we posted and interviewed for a STEAM teacher, we were unable to hire an educator who would be a good fit for this position. Our electives for next year are: PE, Health, Spanish, Visual Art, and Drama. We will try again this spring to recruit and hire a great STEAM teacher to further diversify our enrichment offerings.
The most up-to-date schedule will also be printed out on the first day of school for students.
Note: due to later student enrollments that may occur during the week of August 12th and in the first weeks of school, a student’s schedule may need to be adjusted to ensure an appropriate and equitable schedule for all students.
Back-to-School BBQ: Our annual Back-to-School Community BBQ is set for Thursday, August 15th from 5:00 – 6:30 pm. This is a chance to meet Morey teachers, students, other parents, and preview after-school clubs and programs. Students can also pick up their new class schedules this night. We will serve hot dogs, chips, cookies and a drink. Please RSVP here for this event by 8/10 so we can get enough food for everyone.
Drop Off & Pick Up:
Morning Drop Off: Students are allowed on campus starting at 8:30am, no earlier. The regular morning routine, starting Wednesday, August 21st, is after an 8:30am drop off, students can either (1) go into the cafeteria through the Emerson doors “Door 2” near the dumpster and get a free breakfast or (2) go onto the blacktop and wait until doors open at 8:53 am and then head to their lockers before class starts at 8:50 am. Morey will have adult supervision in the cafeteria and blacktop, beginning at 8:30am, no earlier, and all students will be directed to transition to their lockers at 8:43.
If your child rides a yellow school bus, buses will drop off around 8:40 am on 14th Avenue and students will walk around the building to enter through the Emerson Street cafeteria entrance or go to the blacktop to wait with supervision.
After-School Pick Up: Students are released from school at 3:50 and must be off campus by 4:05 pm every day. If a student rides a school bus, they will get picked up on 14th Avenue and leave around 4:00 each day.
If a student is enrolled in an after-school club or program, they must be in that club by 3:55 pm each day. Most after school activities will wrap up by 5:00 and students must be picked up by 5:10.
Bussing: If your child qualifies for bussing then you can check out your pick up and drop off location after clicking on the “Transportation” tab on the Parent Portal. Current routes on Parent Portal may not yet be accurate so continue to check the tab through mid-August for any updates.
If you don’t know if your student is eligible for transportation then you can click here to learn more about eligibility. If you have questions, call 720-423-4600.
Carpooling: Morey is using Way2Go Schoolpool to help our families connect on carpooling. Please contact the Main Office for the unique link to register for carpooling within our Morey community. Note: this link is ONLY for Morey families and may not be copied or shared with others. It will not be available on the website so we can keep the link secure.
Before School Supervision: The “Morning Connections,” a before-school supervision program for families, will continue this year. The cost is $85 a month and is run by Art Valdez from 7:30am – 8:30 am., 5 days a week. Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer any scholarships for this self-sustaining program or partial coverage options. If you participate in Morning Connections, you are getting all 5 days of coverage for $85 per month.
To enroll in this program, please email Mr. Art at The first 50 students to complete enrollment will get in. If there are more than 50 interested, we will try to hire additional morning supervisors, but cannot guarantee anything.
After School Clubs and Programs: After school clubs and programs will start at 3:55 pm each day Monday thru Friday on any days that Morey students have school. All after school opportunities are managed by DPS contractor agencies and also by teachers. Most after school clubs and programs will begin the week of August 26th. Information about how to enroll students will become available at the B2S BBQ and the first week of school. If you are interested in starting or supporting an after school club, please contact Principal Wickham. One very exciting club opportunity is for our students to participate in a multi-week Aerospace Academy that could run once a week as a club in the fall and/or the spring. If you believe your child would be interested in such an experience please share your interest HERE as we need to make a decision soon about this offering.
School Supply List:
Use this link to find the Morey 24-25 School Year list. We are NOT using EduKit this year.
Join PTO: Our amazing Parent Teacher Organization is looking for new parents to join their efforts to support the Morey community. If you’re interested in learning about PTO and the ways to support Morey, please email to get on their mailing list. Some upcoming opportunities are:
Let’s celebrate the end of summer and get to know other Morey families before the school year begins (Morey Back to School BBQ August 15th). Rising 6th graders, current Morey students and siblings welcome!
Tuesday August 6th 6:00-7:30
City Park Playground, 1700 York St, Denver, CO 80205
(Look for a table with a Morey sign)
Sign up below if you can join us!
See more information and to order here:
If you would prefer to pay by Venmo or check (avoiding the credit card fee):
Venmo Payments: @Mai-Lan-Huynh (last 4 phone number digits: 7195)
Checks: Mai-Lan Huynh, 200 South Washington St., Denver CO 80209
Increasing Family-Community-School Partnerships: Additionally Principal Wickham would like to continue to heighten connections between families, community, and Morey. If you are interested in volunteering at Morey such as supporting clubs, organizing our library space, being a crossing guard, or being a member of our Collaborative School Committee (CSC), please fill out this brief form. You can also utilize this form to share other ways you’d like to contribute to our efforts to be a great and inclusive school for all families. Thank you!
Upcoming Calendar of Events:
August 6, 6:00pm Popsicles in City Park
August 8 & 9 Registration Help
August 15, 5:00 pm Morey Back-to-School Community BBQ (in person)
August 19 First full day for 6th grade and NEW 7th/8th ONLY
August 20 First full day for 7th and 8th grade (6th grade comes)–ALL
September 2 Labor Day – No School
September 18, 5:30pm Back-to-School Night
June Family Letter: If you are new to Morey and didn’t receive the June family message then you can click here for the comprehensive family-facing calendar that was sent out as well as our bell schedule.
Our team is working very hard to get everything prepared to welcome back our children and we are looking forward to deeply partnering with your family for a fantastic year. Please enjoy the remaining days of summer and we look forward to seeing you August 15th at the community BBQ. Don’t forget to RSVP!
My next communication to you all will be via our Friday Things to Know Friday newsletter that will start to be sent out every Friday evening starting next Friday August 9th. Look for it around 6:00 every Friday!
Courtney Wickham
Morey Middle School
Hello, Morey Families! Though we didn’t see too many children at school today we loved seeing the ones that we did and it was a short and sweet day. Our educators are packing up their rooms as we type and we hope everyone has an amazing summer.
The ‘final date’ on this year’s Morey school calendar is the Juneteenth June 19th celebration in our Morey Garden beginning at 11:00. This will be time to consider the importance of the day as well as an opportunity for new and returning Morey families to mingle. I will be there and hope to see you there.
HERE is our start-of-year family-facing calendar for the 24-25 school year and HERE is our school supply list. Morey does NOT do Edukits. Finally for those of you who missed the Guatemala Trip meeting, you can find details about the trip HERE. I remain your contact for this June 2025 adventure and we hope to have several kids register in coming weeks.
I will have intermittent email access the next couple of days due to a family obligation but beginning next Monday I will be back on email and available for any family questions about the coming school year.
Please take great care and again Happy Summer to you and yours. A Welcome Back detailed email will hit your inboxes on August 1st.
Courtney Wickham
Morey Middle School Principal
Morey community! We are collecting alumni stories from our last 100 years as a school and we need your voices. Please complete this form to share your experiences and contact information so that we can stay connected with you about alumni events coming up next school year.
Morey Middle School
840 East 14th Ave.
Denver, CO 80218
Main Line: 720-424-0700
Attendance Line: 720-424-0736
At Morey Middle School we build on every child’s unique gifts so each person becomes a self-directed, socially conscious, educated member of our diverse community, both inside and outside of the classroom.
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